BASF MasterSeal NP 150 Tint Base High Performance Low Modulus Hybrid Sealant - 1.5-Gallon Pail
- 1 - 1.5 gallon pail
- Formerly Sonolastic 150 with VLM Technology
- Very low-modulus, nonsag, elastomeric, silyl-terminated polyether (hybrid) sealant
- Tack-free time: 90 minutes
- Movement capability: +⁄- 50%
- Application: vertical, horizontal, inside and outside
- Shelf life: 15 months when stored properly
Recommended Uses
- Vertical, horizontal, interior and exterior joints
- Joints with high movement, i.e. expansion joints
- Above ground
- In place of silicone sealants
- Aluminum, vinyl and wood window frames
- Panel walls
- Precast units
- Fascia
- Parapets
- Store front systems
- Sanitary applications